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What Happens in Family Court When One Parent Is in Prison

Child Custody and Incarceration

When a parent is in jail or sent to prison, how will that affect custody of the children? Unfortunately, this is an issue that comes up when a parent gets in serious trouble with the constabulary. According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation 1, 55% of state prisoners and 63% of federal prisoners are parents of small-scale children.

How custody is affected when a parent is incarcerated

If custody has not however been adamant, a felony conviction can accept an impact. When deciding what is best for the children, the court tin take into consideration a parent's record to decide if they are morally fit, are able to provide a stable home, or have a drug or alcohol problem. In fact, parental rights tin fifty-fifty be terminated if the parent is incarcerated for violence against the child or some other family member, according to 2.

In situations not involving family violence, an incarcerated parent wouldn't be able to get physical custody of their child, but may be able to keep shared parental responsibility. This can present a problem for the parent with physical custody of the child. What happens if the child needs to undergo an elective surgery? The custodial parent would demand to get approval from the incarcerated parent for the surgery to occur.

And what happens later that parent is released? These are just some of the questions that come. If you are facing this type of situation, you need to contact an experienced family law attorney to assist protect your rights. Below are answers to other questions regarding custody issues when a parent has been in jail or prison house.

Custody When 1 Parent is in Jail:

  • Will I get custody if their father is in jail?
  • Tin can I go get my son if my ex gets sent to jail?
  • Would the male parent get custody if the mom goes to jail?

Criminal Convictions and Child Custody

  • Is temporary sole custody likely if he goes to trial for murder?
  • How is custody affected if he'south been convicted of a crime?
  • Practise I have a gamble of getting sole custody if he's in prison house?
  • Tin can I become sole custody if he's in prison and non on the nativity certificate?
  • Exercise I have to serve him with sole custody papers if he's in prison house?
  • Could he go sole custody if he'southward a convicted felon?
  • Can he go shared custody with his criminal groundwork?
  • Tin can he get shared custody if he'south in prison house?
  • Can I get custody back if my ex gets sent to prison?

Problems During Incarceration

  • Is it kidnapping if I visit my family out of state when he's in prison house?
  • Can I movement if he volition be in prison for 5 years?

Custody Issues after Incarceration

  • How tin can I fight for custody if I've been in prison?
  • My ex wants to render custody to me after I was released from prison house.
  • Could he go custody if he was in prison house for the last 9 years?
  • How tin I make certain I become sole custody when he'south released?
  • Does he yet have joint custody after beingness released on bond?

Visitation Rights and Criminal Records

  • How is visitation affected if he gets sent to prison?
  • Can he become any visitation if he'southward in prison?
  • Can he get visitation after he gets out of prison for child corruption?
  • Could he get visitation changed once he'due south out of prison?
  • Can he get visitation if he has a drug confidence and is abusive?
  • I'm afraid he'll try to harm u.s.a. while he'south on probation.

Custody When One Parent is in Jail

Volition I get custody if their father is in jail?

Denise's Question: If a person goes to jail and the other person files for a divorce does the person filing for a divorce automatically get custody over whatever children they take together?

Brette's Answer: Yep, it's pretty automatic if the other parent is in jail.

Can I go become my son if my ex gets sent to jail?

Krystal's Question: My ex just went to jail and my son is staying with his Dad's girlfriend. I do accept visitation, and she is non his mother. Can I become get my son?

Brette's Answer: If he is in jail, you should have custody. When your child is not living with a parent, that is a crimson flag to the court. If the girlfriend won't give him to y'all, you might have to phone call the police. Y'all will definitely need to go dorsum to courtroom to become the society inverse to reflect the new situation.

Would the father get custody if the mom goes to jail?

One thousand'due south Question: If a female parent goes to jail and she has custody of the kids and their father has visitation rights, can the father take the children?

Brette'due south Respond: Aye. Courts adopt to place the children in the custody of a parent, rather than another relative in a case like that, assuming the father is able to be a suitable parent.

Criminal Convictions and Kid Custody

Can I get temporary sole custody if he goes to trial for murder?

Kathy's Question: I have been the primary domicile parent for thirteen years. My daughter is fifteen yrs. of historic period now and something horrible has happened. My ex-husband remarried ten years ago to a wonderful adult female and she passed away last year. My ex said information technology was a suicide but after a yr....the FBI is investigating him for possible murder!! My girl DOES go every other weekend to visit her father. If there is a trial, can I get emergency temporary sole custody? I DO NOT want my daughter around him if this goes downward......please help me with my options for my daughters sake!!

Brette's Answer: Yes, you lot should be able to get temporary sole custody now (if in that location is anything official you lot tin testify the court to point he is a suspect) and during the trial, and sole custody if he is convicted.

How is custody affected if he'southward been convicted of a crime?

Tasha'southward Question: I am going through a divorce. If my husband has a criminal tape, how would this bear on a custody boxing?

Brette's Respond: Criminal records and convictions always have an touch on on custody. I can't tell yous what the event volition be because custody is decided by looking at all of the factors and a decision is made based on what is best for the child. A parent with a record is at a disadvantage.

Can I get sole custody if my ex is in prison house?

Amy's Question: My ex and I agreed to articulation custody in our divorce a couple of years ago. Recently he has been incarcerated in a state prison house for child endangerment considering he put his xiii yr old nephew behind the cycle to bulldoze while he was intoxicated. He besides has a long history of alcohol abuse and DUI's and can no longer bulldoze without interlock system in his vehicle. Do you think I would have a adventure at sole custody under the circumstances?

Brette'south Reply: Yes, y'all should get sole custody. This is mutual when a parent is incarcerated.

Tin can I get sole custody if he's in prison house and not on the birth certificate?

Jessica's Question: I was not married to my daughter'southward father, notwithstanding he is in prison and is not on the nativity certificate. She is two years old at present and I would like to file for sole legal custody while he is in prison house. Will I take any problems doing so?

Brette's Answer: You should talk with an chaser in your country who can explain the pros and cons of doing so. Once paternity is established, he will have the right to seek visitation in the future.

Do I have to serve him with sole custody papers if he's in prison?

Rita's Question: My ex-hubby is in prison for touching kids and other things. Would I need to send him a re-create of my motion if I file for Sole Custody? I don't want him to make whatever decisions for my child.

Brette's Respond: He would demand to receive service and accept the opportunity to respond, but it'due south unlikely the courtroom would not give you sole custody in this state of affairs.

Could he get sole custody if he'due south a convicted felon?

Kareen's Question: Tin can he go sole custody if he has a felony and owes thousands of dollars in dorsum child support?

Brette'due south Answer: Having a felony conviction is a serious strike against him; however custody is decided past looking at all of the circumstances in the example. Child back up does non affect custody.

Can he get custody with his criminal background?

Gerri's Question: My husband is a convicted felon that served xviii months in prison. I doubtable that he is smoking weed again, and last year I found a pocketbook hidden in his tool box. My mother made me affluent it down the toilet instead of calling the police. He is going through something again ... he recently left boondocks to see a friend from prison. He said that if we end upwards in divorce, he volition movement away and accept custody of the girls half-dozen months at a time. Can he exercise this?

Brette'due south Answer: Information technology's unlikely he would go custody of your children, or extended visitation, given his record and the fact that you can testify well-nigh what yous found in his possession. You and your children demand to get abroad from his influence. Information technology is not healthy for your kids to grow up in the midst of criminal activity. It'southward also very dangerous for you, since you could be charged as an accessory if you aid him in whatsoever style. Come across an attorney and get a temporary order of custody. Good luck.

Can he get shared custody if he's in prison house?

Maria'southward Question: My husband is currently in prison for drugs and volition be eligible for parole in a couple of years. I'g really scared that when he gets out he will try to become shared custody of the kids. He has been abusive to me and has had several drug charges in the by. Information technology would devastating if the Estimate agreed to let him have shared custody, especially since he has non seen his children for six years and has never provided anything for them. Would I be able to file for sole custody of my 2 children?

Brette's Answer: You take nothing to worry almost. No one is going to give shared custody to someone who is in prison for the next ii years. You'll most likely become sole custody.

Can I get custody back if my ex gets sent to prison?

Leann'due south Question: My ex has sole legal custody, but he but went to prison. How tin can I go my daughter dorsum?

Brette's Answer: File for custody. Sounds like you're in a good position.

Issues During Incarceration

Is it kidnapping if I visit my family unit out of state when he's in prison?

Adria'south Question: Tin the father get me for kidnapping our son if he is in prison for the next 20 years and I am going to visit family in a different state just volition be returning?

Brette's Answer: If he'south in prison you need a sole order of custody and should get it immediately.

Tin I move if he will be in prison for five years?

Amber's Question: I have sole physical custody and nosotros have articulation legal custody. Can I move out of state without his permission if he is incarcerated in a prison house for 5 years?

Brette's Respond: It depends on what the visitation schedule is and whether he will desire to continue it.

Custody Problems after Incarceration

How can I get custody if I've been in prison?

Jessica's Question: When I went to prison house, I gave my husband legal custody of our children. Now we are divorced, and he says I will never get them back considering he has legal custody. I am doing good now and I am ready to fight for them. What are my chances of getting them dorsum or sharing custody?

Brette'south Answer: Yous need to be able to show you take a stable domicile and a task and can support them. If you accept a parole officer who can show as to how well you lot are doing, that would help. You need to have a program for where they would become to schoolhouse, how often you would arrange visitation, and how you would parent.

My ex wants to return custody to me after I was released from prison.

Lily's Question: I was arrested and sentenced to prison 4 years ago. While incarcerated, the father decided to fight for custody of our child and won. I was released in Apr and now he wants to return full custody back to me. Do I demand a lawyer? How practice I go well-nigh doing this?

Brette's Respond: You tin both go to family court. One of you files for modification, and then yous just present your agreement to the court. You can definitely go an attorney if you desire to.

Could he go custody afterwards being in prison for the last nine years?

April'due south Question: I have had sole legal and physical custody since my girl was a infant. She is at present 10 years erstwhile and her father was incarcerated for ix.5 of those years. Later I filed for child support, he filed for total custody. I agree with him having visitation but not whatsoever grade of custody. Do you retrieve he has a risk?

Brette'south Answer: Nope! Very, very, very unlikely. Any parent has the right to enquire for custody but the decision is made based on the best interests of the kid. If yous have a healthy, stable home life for your child you lot have little to fear.

How tin can I make sure I get sole custody when he'south released?

Jean's Question: I take a ane yr old son and his father is currently in prison. I recently got an annulment from his father simply nothing was stated in the case about our son. As of right now I have our son 100% of the fourth dimension and earlier my ex went to prison house he only saw him a couple times. His file is a mile long and he has an booze and pot problem. How can I make sure I become sole custody when he gets out?

Brette's Answer: File for custody. There will be no question near obtaining when he is in prison and the order will stand when he gets out unless he tries to seek modification.

Does he still accept joint custody later on beingness released on bail?

Brittany's Question: My ex-hubby and I had joint custody before he went to jail. After serving his time for a DUI they sent him to immigration detention during his immigration process. He fabricated bail with $6000 to get out to fight his clearing procedure. Does he still accept joint custody right later he is released?

Brette's Reply:  Yes, unless the gild has been inverse while he was away.

Visitation Rights and Criminal Records

How is visitation affected if he gets sent to prison?

Sonia's Question: The father of my children is now in prison house. Prior to that, we had joint custody with primary residence with me. Can he now have visitation rights? Is whatever previous agreement for visitation affected?

Brette'south Respond: The society stands unless you ask for information technology to be changed. And it very likely would be inverse since there has been a change in circumstances. You lot definitely would get sole legal custody. Visitation is going to depend on how far away he is, what he was convicted of, and how old your children are and how well they would be able to handle prison visits.

Can he become visitation if he's in prison house?

Sherry's Question: My ex has been incarcerated since my v year old daughter was 5 months old. He went to prison for crimes he committed against me (kidnapping and assault with intent to kill), and too has a prior confidence for 2nd degree murder. He has ii plus years to serve. I am getting nervous and feel I should file for sole custody earlier he is released. Is at that place whatsoever possibility that a estimate can gild visitation even though he has not seen her since this crime was committed.

Brette's Respond: No. Visitation won't exist ordered while he is in prison. It is doubtful it would exist afterward his release likewise. Yous need to get a court social club giving yous sole custody.

Can he become visitation after he gets out of prison house for child abuse?

Brittany's Question: My daughter is 3 years sometime and her father has never had anything to do with her. I take soul custody and visitation was as both parties can concord upon, but he never called me for visitation. He is currently in prison house for attempted rape of a fourteen twelvemonth erstwhile and is due to exit within the side by side half dozen months. If he asks for visitation this time what should I do? I do not experience comfortable letting him take my daughter.

Brette's Answer: You should tell him no. Under your order, you don't have to concord to visitation. If he has a trouble with that, it's up to him to petition the court to modify the order, which would seem unlikely since he'south now a convicted child abuser.

Could he become visitation inverse in one case he'due south out of prison house?

Merlissa'due south Question: Can my ex have me back to courtroom to change visitation subsequently 10 years of no visitation or child back up? He was in prison house for federal charges.

Brette'south Respond: Yeah. Generally if there has been a change in circumstances the instance can be reopened.

Can he get visitation if he has a drug conviction and is abusive?

Leslie's Question: I have a 4 yr old son whose biological father left the surface area after his first birthday. Since and so he has had no contact at all with my son or provided any financial support. He has a felony charge of cocaine possession for which he is serving 3 years of probation. I contacted him recently to ask if he would sign over his rights to my fiancé, who hopes to prefer my son. Now he is stating that he is going to court so that he can see "his" son. He has been verbally and physically abusive in the past, and I honestly fear for all of our rubber when it comes to his vehement temper. What measures tin can I accept to ensure my son remains with me?

Brette's Answer: This is a difficult state of affairs. Children accept a right to know their parents, however if he presents a danger to the child, that is a problem. Information technology'due south possible the courtroom could order supervised visitation and encounter how things go. If you are afraid for your safe and that of your child you need to make that clear to the court. All you tin do is tell the court your side of the story and nowadays as much information equally y'all can about this man's life history. Ask that a Law Guardian or Guardian ad litem be appointed to represent your son and get an chaser for yourself if you can beget information technology.

I'one thousand afraid he'll try to impairment us while he's on probation.

Christina's Question: My ex-married man was recently convicted in Oklahoma for felony animal abuse and is on probation for 5 years. Nosotros alive in Texas and take very petty contact with him, simply we are scared that he may violate his probation and endeavour to harm us. We technically take joint conservatorship what are my options?

Brette'southward Respond: You lot tin can file for modification. Y'all may also be able to go an order of protection. Yous should talk to an attorney who handles family constabulary matters near y'all for how to continue.

About Brette Sember - Legal Expert



  1. Children of Incarcerated Parents Fact Sheet
  2. https://world wide

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How Custody is Determined

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Kid Visitation Rights

  1. Divorce
  2. Your Children
  3. Child Custody and Incarceration
